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Lab News

April 2024: The LTP Lab is moving! Dr. Chaney will begin a

position at the University at Buffalo in Fall 2024!

April 2024: Congratulation to Izilda Pereira-Jorge for

successfully defending her Master's Thesis examining how

norms of prejudice confrontations impacted anticipated

costs and benefits for future confrontations!

March 2024: Congratulations to Dr. Flora Oswald who has received a grant

from UConn IBACS in conjunction with Drs. Garr-Schultz & Chaney

(and honorary member Fernie!) examining "Visual attention to environmental

signals of belonging"!

March 2024: Congratulations to Dr. Flora Oswald who

has accepted a tenure-track position at the

University of South Carolina, beginning Fall 2024!

December 2023: Congratulations to Duc Pham! Duc has

received a Clara Mayo research grant from SPSSI!

December 2023: Congratulations to Utopia Su! Utopia has

received the PCLB undergraduate research grant!


November 2023: Congratulations to Izilda Pereira-Jorge!

Izilda was awarded a 2023 Mini Research Grant from the

International Society for Self & Identity (ISSI).

August 2023: The LTP lab is excited to welcome Dr. Flora Oswald!

Dr. Oswald is joining UConn as an Assistant Research Professor

and will be working with Drs. Chaney & Garr-Schultz.

May 2023: Congratulations to Duc Pham on successfully

defending his Masters Thesis! Keep an eye out

for this great research looking at lay theories of prejudice and culture.

May 2023: Congratulations to Emma Parkes! Emma successfully

completed her honors thesis in the LTP Lab and

graduated with honors from UConn.

March 2023: Congratulations to Emma Parkes! Emma has received 

the PCLB undergraduate research grant for her honors thesis.

February 2023: The LTP Lab enjoyed a successful SPSP

conference in Atlanta! Emma Wedell presented a talk on prejudice

confrontation styles, Duc Pham presented a poster on intraminority

allyship, Izilda Pereira-Jorge presented a poster on

organizational Pride statements, and Dr. Chaney presented a talk

on organizational diversity statements.


October 2022: Congratulations to Duc Pham on receiving a

SPSP Diversity Travel Award! Duc will be presenting his research

on intraminority allyship and discrimination.

August 2022: The LTP Lab is excited to welcome Izilda

Pereira-Jorge! Izilda is interested in research

on allyship claims and lay theories of prejudice.

May 2022: Congratulations to DR. Andrew Cortopassi for successfully

defending his dissertation! Dr. Cortopassi will be joining Rutgers

University in August as a postdoctoral research fellow.

May 2022: Congratulations to Marley Forbes on graduating from

UConn! Marley completed independent research in the LTP Lab

and will be attending University of Maryland

next year to begin her PhD training! 

December 2021: Congratulations to Emma Wedell! Emma

has received the Clara Mayo Grant from SPSSI for research

on perceptions of prejudice confrontations.

August 2021: The LTP Lab is excited to welcome Duc Pham

and Emma Wedell! Duc is interested in research on

lay theories and activism; Emma is interested in

research on prejudice confrontations.

May 2021: Congratulations to Marley Forbes! Marley has received

a SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fund) Award from UConn.

Marley will be conducting research on perceptions of LGBTQ+ student groups during the summer.

Dr. Chaney, Duc, Izilda, and Emma at SPSP 2023 in front of a poster
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